EDN Code of Ethics

Members of the European Doula Network agree to the same values and definition of the role and scope of practice of a doula. 

The role of 'doula' is not widely known and is often misunderstood; this ethical code makes it clear who a doula is, and what a doula does, and does not do as a member of EDN. 

The EDN Code of Ethics can be shared easily using the QR Codes below, which takes you directly to translations in 23 languages. 

Scroll down to find all our member organisations. Click on their logo to go directly to their websites where you will find full contact details. We invite you to reach out to them directly to find out about doulas and doula training programmes in your country.  

EDN Code of Ethics

The European Doula Network (EDN) was officially established in 2011 to connect doula organisations across Europe and share a common Code of Ethics. 

Doulas may support individuals, parents and families in their choices throughout pregnancy, childbirth and early parenting or during other life-changing periods, such as bereavement and death. 

A member association, training course, or friend of the EDN agrees to the following definition of the role and ethics of a doula:

  • Doulas provide emotional and practical support to individuals, parents and families.

  • Doulas do not perform clinical tasks, make medical diagnoses or give advice.

  • Doulas support informed choice and informed consent, without directing any decision-making.

  • Doulas treat clients, families, colleagues and all other professionals with respect and courtesy.

  • Doulas conduct themselves with integrity and transparency with respect to their experience, skills, and boundaries.

  • Doulas respect the privacy of clients and hold in confidence all information in accordance with GDPR.

  • Doulas engage in continuing personal and professional development.

  • Doulas contribute to networks of care in local and wider communities.

European Doula Network, 2023

European Doula Network Members

Associations, Training Programmes and Friends

EDN Associations

ČAD Česká Asociace Dul

Czech Doula Association 

Czech Republic

Doulas de France - DDF


Stowarzyszenie Dobre Doule

Good Doula Association


ProGV Project

Проект ПроГВ


Doula CH


Doula UK

United Kingdom

Doulas Without Borders

United Kingdom/International

Our Values

Each EDN doula association, doula training organisation and friend brings something different to the network. 

Situations are often very different in each country, but there is a simple and clear Code of Ethics we all agree to follow, outlining what a doula does and does not do. 

Our Core Values

Connecting • Supporting • Informing
Between doulas, within our communities, promoting understanding of the role of the doula within the wider community and all society. 

We are here to listen, to share, to be there.

Our Story

Like many great things, we started small. A truly grass-roots phenomenon, like-minded doulas with a wider vision started sharing their passion for international connectivity around kitchen tables from around 2005. 

Seeds were sown in several countries at about the same time, and today, those seedlings have grown, flourished and blown their seeds across the whole of Europe and further. 

EDN Doula Training Courses

EDN does not accredit or certify doula training courses.
EDN Member Doula Training Courses do adhere to the EDN Code of Ethics.


of the EDN

Individual doulas and doula-friendly organisations are welcome to join EDN, bringing their valuable support to the network from all around the world.